Services - Global Balance

Providing bespoke consulting services to companies, investors and civil society on biodiversity risks and opportunities.

Services for companies

Companies are dependent on, but also impact on, nature. This can give rise to business risks. However, if proactively identified and managed, the same issues can give rise to opportunities. Stakeholder relations can become stronger, license to operate secured, additional sources of finance can be accessed and reputational risk can be managed. Globalbalance helps companies to understand these risks and turn them into opportunities.

Services for civil society

Increasingly environmental groups are engaging with the private sector to enable them deliver on their strategic environmental objectives. This engagement must be carefully managed to ensure that it delivers value to the environmental group without impacting on its reputation. Globalbalance can help such groups to develop and implement targeted and effective private sector engagement strategies.

Services for investors

Evidence is mounting that biodiversity loss can result in business risk and that this, in turn, translates to financial risk. Furthermore, a climate mitigation and adaptation strategy that fails to account for the loss of nature misses a fundamental component of risk. Globalbalance can support investors to understand the implications of this loss and adjust their investment strategies to manage this risk and realise new financing opportunities.